
Why have one big New Year’s resolution that you can’t stick to when you can have twelve that you can’t stick to? I mean, can. Kind of.

For 2011, Amy and Alicia will be doing one challenge per month, because, come on – anyone should be able to do any one thing for thirty days, whether it be exercising, trying veganism, avoiding Facebook, or exercising proper bathing habits. Theoretically, these challenges will be healthful, difficult, and diverse, but we’re really just making this up as we go along.

Got a suggestion? Leave a comment! Because really, nobody likes a lurker.


fossils n shizz

In a dress. What kind of crazy alternate universe is this?!

I am a total bad ass (see: geologist). I like becoming uncontrollably enraged at the drop of a hat, having no verbal filter, and being more fun than I am skinny. I like The X-files and shopping online but not buying anything. That sounds sad, I should probably buy a few dozen cats.


Sorry, this is the best picture I have of me since I cut my hair. Use condoms!

Since I graduated from college, I’ve held a desk job, quit my desk job, sold all my crap, moved to Australia, moved back, and now here I am, broke, unemployed, hedonistic, and enjoying myself. I like the out of doors, playing ultimate frisbee, and beer is pretty cool too I guess. Also, jokes. Tell me a joke plz!

EDIT: Since the first publishing of this flattering summary, I have managed to trick someone into giving me a job. Read more about it on my personal weblog.

I have other blags.

  • Bluebirdandsing – Deep, philosophical brain musings.
  • Saucestralia – From when I went to Australia for awhile. Kangaroos! Dingos! And lots of roaches.
  • Radventure – Clearly, I love me some wordplay. From a road trip I took with my friend Levi to Phoenix.

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